Magento Tutorials

1. "Override Admin Controller" in magento 1.6
In Manageto, you can override admin blocks and models by just creating a copy of core files into local folder and easily override magento core functionality. But you cannot follow this way to override
Views: 12,914

2. Convert file based session into database based session in magento 1.6
Basically magento provides two type of session management. File based session Database based session File based session - At the time of installation, magento ask about which session
Views: 3,499

3. "Create Store View" programmatically in magento 1.6
To create store view use model "Mage_Core_Model_Store". You will need to specify Website Id, Store Group Id, Store View Name, Store View Code and Status. Website Id - Store will be associated under t
Views: 5,594

4. "Create Store Group" programmatically in magento 1.6
To create store group use model "Mage_Core_Model_Store_Group". You will need to specify Website Id, Store Name and Root Category Id. Website Id - Store will be associated under this website. Store N
Views: 4,353

5. "Add Root Category" programmatically in magento 1.6
To add root category use model "Mage_Catalog_Model_Category". You will need to specify Category Name, Path, Is Active, etc. Category Name - Name of you cagegory e.g. Electornics. Path - For root cat
Views: 9,057

6. "Create website" programmatically in magento 1.6
To Create website use model "Mage_Core_Model_Website". We must specify Website Name and Website Code. Website Name - Name of your website. e.g. My Website. Website Code - For each website Website
Views: 4,409

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